“Yoga is the state where you are whole, where you can feel the perfection in your uniqueness, and where anything, anything is possible.”
~ Stephanie Orion
Now that we are limited in our range of external motion, we can find peace within ourselves in the safety of our homes. These classes are using the effective tools of the yoga practice integrating the knowledge of the Human Design System.
Yoga and Human Design are both experiential sciences, Yoga an ancient and Human Design a new one. Any experiential science takes us beyond the mental realm and allows us to put what we know and learn into practice. By taking these classes you not only have the benefit of the yoga practice itself you can learn more about the practical application of Human Design as well.
If you are interested in something different, I am happy for anyone who is open to join. As always there is no membership or commitments necessary, you show up when it is correct for you. Going with the flow of life is the biggest lesson we have to learn and therefore I am here and you can join in when it works for you.
I have a few sample classes in German on YouTube if you feel like checking them out.
If you are interested in a class that is cut out to your unique needs and wishes, I do offer private sessions that can also be taught in your home.
Being strongly influenced by her own Human Design experiment Stephanie’s classes are focused on allowing the students to come back to themselves. Her presence and love for the practice and life in general encourage the students to re-establish their inner equilibrium, a sacred sense of being grounded in their unique bodies, while allowing the flow of life, the breath, to move freely. Sequences combine the Jivamukti tradition, Anusara alignment cues, and restorative practices. Strength and flexibility will be enhanced in a balanced way. She encourages the students to take the practices off the mat and experiment with them in their daily lives.