“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
~ CocoInner Autority as the basis for decision-making
Usually people let their mind decide what they should, could, or want to do. Then they find a mental strategy for implementation and act on it. These action are initiated by the ego-mind and create a life full of resistance and a latent feeling of unworthiness. Most of us do not know how make decisions at all. The Human Design System show us that the basis for decisions-making lies within us and how to consciously reconnect to this inner truth, your inner authority. Following your own unique inner guidance system allows you to experience the uniqueness and magic of your own being and live the life you are meant to live.
Emotional Authority:
Any time the solar plexus, the emotional center, is defined, it is the inner authority. People with emotional authority need time for their decision-making process. Over time the up and down of the emotional wave allows them to get a sense of how they feel with someone or something. As an emotional being there is no truth in the now, but they can get a good sense of how their own process works and what clarity feels like in their body. Things and people need to be allowed to come more than once so over time a bigger picture and clarity can arise as the momentary feeling spaces are only short snapshots within a greater emotional processing going on.
Sacral Authority:
The sacral center is defined so only generators and manifesting generators can have this authority if there is also no emotional definition. The sacral center responds in the now to impulses coming from the outside and to yes/no-question. Response can be a sacral sound (ahuh, un-un), the body moving, or an opening or closing that can viscerally felt in the area of the lower abdomen. This response shows if there is life-force available for someone or something or not.
The following authorities require that neither the solar plexus nor the sacral center are defined:
Splenic Authority:
Exclusive to manifestors and projectors. The immediate body awareness of the splenic authority detects the slightest change in the environment. This spontaneous sense of splenic knowing only happens once, it is not repeated. The feeling of well-being in the body can turn into a clear no or the impulse to flee if something is detected as unhealthy or even life-threatening. When you encounter someone or something that is assessed as healthy and correct the feeling of well-being in the body can be enhances. It is important to follow the impulses of any given moment.
This rare authority is also exclusive to manifestors and projectors.
The splenic center is undefined. This authority rests in a healthy, confident, strong sense of I, in contrast to the G-Authority and its connection to the Self. This “I” serves the greater good of the tribe, the group, family, or community that one belongs to, and not the egocentric believes of the mind. A healthy ego-authority expresses itself through a vibrancy and majestic quality in its tone of voice or simply the visceral feeling of willpower in one´s body that something wants to be accomplished.
This authority is guided by the higher Self and is exclusive to projectors and gives them a very special quality. Everything underneath the G-Center is undefined. These people are on autopilot, the magnetic monopole sets the direction and guides them, assuming they trust their inner guidance system. Like a golden threat the G-Center, their internal navigation device, leads them through life. It is only important for them not to act against their own Self, but follow their truth in every moment. The G-Authority can also be perceived and receive guidance through its own expression.
No inner Authority – Process-oriented Authority
Mental Authority:
Mental authority is exclusive to projectors.
Only definitions from the throat upwards are possible. To hear their own truth they focus their attention on their own expression in conversation with others. Their tone of voice changes in those instances. It is important to learn how the body feels in correct environments and to understand who is really ready to accept the unique perception and guidance of a mental projector.
Lunar Authority:
Exclusive to reflectors.
Similar to the mental authority it is a process-oriented authority, but in this case all the centers in the body graph remain undefined. Reflectors are dancing with the moon and through the changes in the moon cycle and the planets and the outside influences of people and environment they perceive how their own direction and mental and physical state can shift. For important decision at least one moon cycle, about 28 days, is necessary, but similar to the emotional process the timeframe will automatically arise on its own. Clarity is there or not.
“The direction is always love.” – Michaela Hohmann