Disease is transpersonal. Wellbeing is about communal well-being. Healthy community, healthier life! Your physical problems are never yours alone! – Ra Uru Hu
Especially the last 5 years we have all been hit with so much heaviness, lies, inconvenient truths, and potential for trauma…
… that to many it has become obvious we humans are a sick bunch. We are mentally unstable, emotionally unfit and physically unwell and we distract, cover up, and wash over anything and everything that is uncomfortable. Being unhealthy is supposed to be normal. From my perspective it is not so I am leaning out of the window today and share a little insight into my view on these matters.
Our health is communal which implies if our environment and the people in it are all over the place, we can do the best we can, be physically active and eat healthy and all of these things, and yet we will not go untouched by dis-ease!
Life is on our side, as always, and not all is lost… as always the Universe, a higher power, God, whatever you may call it, or simply Life has our back and a window to heal is opening up for us… January 11th, 2025, is the date that our collective North Node moves into Pisces. In Human Design we are starting off with love gates 25 and 46 that are part of the Left Angle Cross of Healing. Then we move into gate 36 and 6 so there will be a lot of friction and healing crisis. Gate 46, the love of the body, can inspire us to listen to our body. The body is the life. What does your body tell you? Are you listening to and following to what your body says yes or no to? Do you override your physical responses and wonder why you get sick?
On January 31st we will go into the depth of crisis and conflict. We will see crisis and conflict play out on the global stage and in our personal lives but not to fear, when we know these things, we can use these beautiful reminders to confront what is showing up for us. Confronting the truth simply means you allow to be whatever is arising to be, you breathe in, you breathe out. You don´t push it away, you don´t distract yourself (watch out for addictive behaviors), you don´t fight it, and it will flow through. If we keep the breath flowing, the emotion, good, bad, ugly, or amazing, will flow through as well, and the intensity you thought you might not survive will lessen and pass by. Stopping the flow and stuffing things down creates internal pressure that can lead to all forms of dis-ease, emotional, mental, and eventually a physical expression of it.
What may come up? Our fears, mental, emotional, and physical ones. Our health is connected to those three kinds fears and especially the emotional realm is closely connected to our soul´s journey. How can there be peace within, lasting fulfillment not just that short dopamine hit, success, and that little bit of surprise if you are not in alignment with your purpose?
This time gives us the chance to understand how much of our health is actually not just physical but connected to our emotions and therefore relationships, and also to the mental plane, the way we think about life and our experiences. We can be the healthiest people physically and still make ourselves sick by entertaining unhealthy relationship patterns and feeding unhealthy thought patterns. The beautiful thing is that this time also teaches us we can learn and grow from our experiences! We do not have to repeat unhealthy patterns, we can change, and thereby make the world a better place.
Coyote Star astrology brought it to the point. It is going to be about control versus surrender. We can create new healthy habits without feeding old obsessive compulsive tendencies and/or addictions (Virgo) and surrender to the flow of life and the deeper lessons we are here to experience (Pisces). The Universe has our back. This is the chance to change and heal! What path do you choose?
Coyote Star Astrology also brought up the connection between health and our gut, our internal microbiome. Well, isn´t that a mirror of our external relationships. In Human Design the digestive tract is deeply connected to the emotional realm and therefore again with our relationships. So gut healing may imply taking care of opening your elimination channels, detoxing, parasite cleanses and so on on the physical plane and looking at your relationships in regards to energy vampirism, human parasites, and correct relating. Our gut and emotional center in Human Design is also corresponding to the nervous system and we have the change to learn more about how our thoughts and relationships influence our nervous system, how we can regulate the nervous system in healthy ways. Last but not least, we can discover what kind of food is soul food for our entire system. What really nourishes not our addictions trying to cover up or distract from or compensate for our childhood or karmic wounds but what is real nourishment for our unique brains and bodies.
How does Human Design play into this?
Truth empowers you and lies weaken you… our immune system only differentiates between Self or Not-Self so what do you choose, living out your true nature or to keep following the Not-Self into homogenized dis-ease patterns?
Following your Strategy and honoring your inner authority is the path to know what is healthy or not for your body!
Remaining in unhealthy relationships might bring up physical issues in these upcoming 18 months and our unconscious thought patterns might do the same. In case you experience physical discomfort, you can check in with yourself. What does your body really need? More pain meds or suppressants, or maybe some added nutrients and toxins released from your system? What your mind is up to? Do you notice how constant mental negativity can make you really sick? Your thoughts create your world so be mindful. Who are you with? People that strengthen and empower you or people who undermine, diminish, or use you or you use them to self-medicate and fill a hole that can only be filled with your own essence.
You are enough, you are perfect (whatever you consider to be faults and all), and you can absolutely heal! Does that resonate with you?
If yes, then this is the best time ever to change and grow and be happy and at ease within this ever-changing and wild world we all live in… if you are not opting for change, just a little reminder, you might still be changed by life events happening to you. Nothing like a good healing crisis and that is what we are in for… growth, progress, and hopefully a lot more healthy connections within and without!
As always, please don´t forget to breathe… it´s key to allowing emotions to flow through and everything that is not ignored, stuffed away, will be able to flow through, change form, and eventually be released. That is why it´s so toxic that we are taught to keep our composure and stuff emotions down or unleash raw emotions onto someone or something instead of allowing us to deal with them in a healthy fashion by giving ourselves and others space to be and breathe and feel. If the emotions are ours in case of people with emotional authority, they will give you valuable information about our own process and will eventually bring clarity and depth. If they are other people´s emotions they will flow through you and you will not be affected or act them out in the heat of the moment.
What if healing is simply the process of coming back to yourSelf?!
My expertise is emotional health and healthy relating so if you feel called, inclined, or drawn to spend time with me, please feel free to connect and book a session.