Meditation Diary
Have you noticed a difference so far?
The mind reflects the perception of our openness through its thought processes.
Human Design describes the mechanics of life and it lets us know that all the thoughts that keep occupying our mind are not for us. The ego-thought complex is not our authority, our body holds the wisdom, and our inner authority, our internal compass, lies within our body, no matter what so-called inner authority we have. Especially in the Western world we are trained to obey the mind´s rule and disregard our body´s messages. When we begin to distance ourselves from our thoughts and begin to watch what is happening within our mind and notice what our body is telling us, we allow ourselves to fall back into the natural flow of life.
Oftentimes, especially when we encounter challenging areas or times in our life and feel somehow triggered, our thoughts are intense and overwhelming. To use some form of meditation can help us to find a healthy distance again and watch, watch our mind run wild, our body reacting. Watching without judgement allows for the natural flow to come back, even if it is just for a moment. Everything in life is changing, every moment, every day, most changes are simply so miniscule that we do not consciously perceive them. No moment is ever the same, so trying to hold on to whatever feels good, and trying not to confront what is uncomfortable does not make life easier on us as it blocks the natural flow of life-force, emotions, and thoughts.
The beauty about a meditation diary is that you can write down what is happeningwithin you, what you notice, and somehow there is a magic in being able to express something, may it be verbally or here in written form. Things lose their intensity once they can be expressed as everything in life seeks to be manifested in one way or the other, but most thougths are not meant to be acted upon physically. Thoughts expressed to others can be deeply inspiring, even life changing, because all change begins within, in the way you view the world, but not all thoughts are meant to be acted upon. This is where a diary or meditation diary comes into play, you can write down anything that comes to mind, anything that you notice in your body, and thereby release the pressure to do something with it. “My mind says… I notice my body feeling like…” are wonderful ways to start writing down what you are experiencing while staying neutral instead of identify with what you are writing down. “I think… I feel…” can make things very personal so notice when you drop the I-dentification, it creates more space to watch the unfolding of your life´s journey and life is quite something. It is an amazing time to be alive, not necessarily easy, but rich in uncertainties and surprises. Anything can happen, so are you getting lost in what you think is right or wrong?
To keep a meditation diary can help us to stay unbiased and watch which thoughts are occupying our mind. The thoughts that we get so easily entangled with and we think we need to act upon. Keeping track of which thoughts are recurring themes allows us to decondition old patterns more easily.
If you have a basic trust in life, you can easily trust your body as your body is part of this Earth, nature, life itself, and there is a natural flow to everything if we allow it. This is why your body knows what it is doing even if your mind does not understand. If you fall back into your inner authority and let your mind come back into its rightful place, the communication with the people in your life can be inspiring and rich. You are the only one who can see and notice what you see, you are unique and so is your perspective, your perception of what we are experiencing as huge shift in humanity´s journey. Meditation in its manifold expression, like writing down what has arisen in a meditation journal, can be of immense value to find your way back to your true nature and please notice in your body if it is a tool for you.
Is meditation a path for you?
Image thanks to Marcos Paulo Prado and Kelly Sikkema via