HUMAN DESIGN INTRO INTO CHILD DEVELOPMENT Practical knowledge to create a nourishing environment for your child. For children of all ages and parents that are interested into bringing harmony into their relationships. Learn about your own and your child´s true potential and how to further it with the practical tools Human Design has to offer. […]
Human Design and Children – Relationships, marriage, and self-love (5)
The month of May and marriage The month of May is special to me, it is the month of my birth and therefore always a time of new beginnings in my personal journey. In Human Design in this month we move into the second quarter, the Quarter of Civilization, that is all about manifestation and […]
Human Design and Children – Relationship dynamics and split definitions (4)
In the last blog article I talked about the spark and how it influences our perception and choice of partners. Here we will take a closer a look at how our definitions influence the dynamics of our relationships. Split definitions and relating Depending on your definition, the colored-in parts in your bodygraph or rave chart […]
Human Design and Children – Relationships and Emotions (2)
In the Human Design System the emotional center, the solarplexus center, or emo as I often abbreviate it, is the source of pleasure and pain, it is the foundation of all emotional experiences, our emotional spirit, our sensitivity, our ability as individuals to meet the other on an emotional basis and through that empower each […]
Happy Rave New Year… wait, what?
Christmas Time, the prelude to the New Year Coming out of the Christmas season, a time filled with laughter, cheer, joy, family spirit and togetherness or quite the opposite a time full of stress, overwhelm, feelings of lack, loneliness, or even despair, depending on where on the spectrum of the extremes that are possible […]