Hello my lovelies, On the 21st of January the solar year of 2021 begins when the Sun moves into the 41st gate in the evening hours. Every year around the 21st or 22nd of January a new solar cycle for humanity is initated. For me personally, 2021 has reignited the spark of my mediation practice […]
Human Design, the moon and meditation – a journey within – Day 1
Every moment can be a meditation… Take a moment for yourself and breathe. Maybe you feel like opening the window or going outside. Breathe in the air, notice the aliveness that each new inhale brings and allow your exhale to release all the carbon dioxide, any other toxins, and all that is obsolete and create […]
Human Design, the moon and meditation – a journey within – Day 2
Seated Meditation Practice Today take more than a moment for yourself. Give yourself 3 minutes and sit down in a comfortable position in a place that feels enjoyable to you and give yourself those 3 uninterrupted minutes. No phone or set your phone on airplane mode if you use it as your timer as I […]
Human Design, the moon and meditation – a journey within – Day 3
Mantra Meditation This is one of my favorite forms of meditation, using a mantra (man – mind, tra – cut through) to concentrate during the meditation practice. A very easy, yet effective one is “let go”. Set your timer for 3 minutes, find a comfortable seat, become still within and without, and concentrate on your […]
Human Desgin, the moon and meditation – a journey within – Day 4
Japa Meditation Did you enjoy the mantra meditation? If yes, let’s try japa meditation, the repetition of a mantra while you are meditating. You can use a mala, a prayer bead necklace with its 108 beads and repeat it the 108 times. 108 is a sacred number and if you stay with one mantra and […]
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